Senator Zawadi: Women should campaign for political seats instead of waiting for favours

Nominated senator Christine Zawadi (center) with two kilifi county Women leaders .PHOTO: courtesy

Nominated Kilifi County senator Christine Zawadi has urged Women to vie for political seats in 2022 instead of waiting for favours.

Speaking in Watamu, Zawadi said women have a great potential of winning seats in 2022 by joining competitive politics and being ready to roll up their sleeves and fight.

” You can’t be seated in your home waiting for seats, you must go out and campaign. Time is now”, she said.

According to Zawadi, Women seeking political seats should be pushing for endorsement from popular politicians or parties after showing interest.

“Power cannot come to where you are. You must leave the comfort of your houses and hit the campaign trail instead of hoping to be favoured”, she said.

She said Women can spur economic and social change if at all they will vie for political seats in droves come 2022.

The nominated senator also criticized the area Woman representative Gertrude Mbeyu alleging that her presence has not been felt at the grassroots.

She accuses her of neglecting Watamu area.

“It’s like Kilifi County has no Woman rep. She has never set foot in Watamu despite this area being cosmopolitan with people from different tribes”, she stated.

