Two killed in Murang’a chaos ahead of DP Ruto’s visit

Man putting out a fire after youth in Murang'a barricaded the road in Kenol Town ahead of DP Ruto's visit. Inspector General of Police Hilary Mutyambai has ordered the arrest of MPs Ndindi Nyoro and Alice Wahome over the chaos./COURTESY

One person has been killed and several others injured in Kenol town Murang’a County, after chaos erupted between two rival groups ahead of Deputy President William Ruto’s visit in the area.

The clash ensued after youth in support of President Kenyatta arrived in the town where the DP was attending a church fundraising, chanting slogans in support of the President where the two groups started engaging in running battles.

Murang’a South Deputy County Commissioner Mawira Mungania, has confirmed the death, saying they have started investigations into what led to the killing and more information will be given later.

Addressing the residents in the area on Sunday afternoon, the Deputy President condemned the chaos saying it was a big shame.

“I want to tell the leaders who were behind the chaos, you’re a degradation to President Uhuru Kenyatta, the Jubilee government and the whole country,’’ he said

Ruto was slated to preside over a fundraising at the AIPCA Church in Kenol Murang’a County.

