Magoha under fire as secondary schools non-teaching staff vow not to report to work

Education CS proffesor George Magoha. Secondary schools non-teaching staff have vowed not to go back to work until their dues are settled./COURTESY

Secondary school non-teaching staff have vowed not to report to work when schools re-open until their unpaid dues are settled.

At a media briefing in Nairobi, Kenya Union of Secondary Schools Non Teaching Staff (KUSSNTS) leaders said their members  will not go back to school if their salaries are not paid by next week.

“As much as they we will  open schools unless money is in our pockets, we will not come to school,” said KUSSNTS National Chair Josephat Kamau.

They said that it is unfair to be called to go back to school when thair members have been going without salaries since March yet the money was factored in the budget.

KUSSNTS urged President Uhuru Kenyatta to intervene and salvage the situation given the fact that  close to 200,000 members of their Union have undergone economical distress following the failure to execute  payment of their dues.

KUSSNTS Nairobi branch Secretary General Daniel Kamanja said that their strides to reach various stakeholders in  education sector have been futile ultimately rendering them  forlorn in the matter.

“Mr President, are we not Kenyans, to suffer like this?” Kamanja posed.

“We demand your immediate intervention in this mess and call upon you to come to our rescue,” he said.

They turned the heat to Education Cabinet Secretary Prof. George Magoha, demanding an apology for remarks he allegedly made saying the secondary schools non teaching staff issue is a non-issue, accusing the CS of being insensitive.

They also insisted that all non teaching staff who were sacked and instructed that when schools reopen will be considered in securing jobs upon reapplication be reinstated unconditionally.

Consequently, they said that there is need for absorption of all non teaching staff  into public service commission board.

