KUPPET urges government to release capitation funds by Monday

KUPPET Secretary General Akelo Misori. KUPPET wants government to release capitation funds to schools by Monday to allow smooth preparation for the resumption of learning/COURTESY

The government should release capitation funds to all schools before Monday 28th.

This is according to Kenya Union of post primary education Teachers (KUPPET).

Addressing journalist on Thursday in Nairobi, KUPPET Secretary General Akelo Misori said the money will be instrumental in ensuring that improvement of classrooms, sanitation facilities, dormitories and creation of isolation rooms to manage emergencies are put in place in order to control the spread of COVID-19.

“As we speak, many schools have made little progress to make them ready for resumption of learning under the new COVID-19 protocols. Even the new desks currently being procured by the ministry are yet to reach the schools earmarked for them,” said Misori.

He reiterated, that the money will also ensure that most parents adversely affected by COVID-19 and unable to pay school fees get a relief until when the economy situation stabilizes.

However, the union urged school managements and parents to take the necessary strides for smooth resumption of learning operations and safety in the institutions.

“The successful reopening of schools will require the sacrifices of all education stakeholders. As certain as the circumstances might be, the reopening will catalyze economy revival, since learning institutions contribute massively to the economy in terms of jobs and livelihood,” he added.

