Mombasa and Kwale record 24 new COVID-19 cases as 62 more test positive

Health Chief Administrative secretary Rashid Aman./ COURTESY

The coastal region has recorded 24 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours.

The cases were reported in Mombasa and Kwale counties.

Mombasa recorded 16 cases while Kwale recorded 8 cases.

Chief Administrative Secretary for Health Rashid Aman said that Changamwe had nine new cases, three in Jomvu Sub County, three in Nyali, and one case in Mvita.

”In Kwale County, Msambweni has recorded four cases and Lunga Lunga also recorded four cases.”

Aman said that 2293 people have been tested over the past 24 hours of which 62 tested positive.

Three more have also been discharged from the hospital after they tested negative bringing total discharge to 405

59 among those tested positive are Kenyans while three foreigners.

Nairobi County recorded the highest number with 23 cases, Kiambu six, Kajiado six, and Kitui three.

Aman said that some people tested positive have provided false information during the contact tracing.

He further assured Kenyans that the government will cater for treatment expenses and called upon people to come

