Ruto’s allies Linturi and Cherargei stripped off senate committee seats

Nandi senator Samson Cherargei and his Meru counterpart Mithika Linturi who have been dewhipped from key senate positions PHOTO COURTESY

Jubilee senators allied to deputy president William Ruto have been kicked out of key positions in various committees in the senate.

Speaking after a meeting which involved Jubilee’s top organs, Senate chief Whip Irungu Khangata said that those affected include senator  Christopher Lang’ at (Bomet) who was replaced at the House Business Committee by Nairobi Senator Johnson Sakaja.

Lang’at underwent double loss after losing his post as Education Committee chairman to Alice Milgo.

Senator Samson Cherargei (Nandi) was also not spared as he was removed as chairman of the Justice and Legal Affairs Committee.

Kang’ata said that Meru Senator Linturi Mithika lost his membership at the powerful Senate County Public Accounts and Investment Committee and was replaced by Isiolo Senator Fatuma Dullo.

Others who are affected include Laikipia senator John Kinyua who lost his position as the chairman of the Devolution Committee.

Former Senate majority leader Kipchumba Murkomen will now be a member of the Devolution Committee.

“The effect of this will see senator Kinyua cease to be a devolution committee chair, senator Linturi will cease being accounts committee member and legal affairs committee vice-chair, Dr. Langat will cease being chair of the education committee and Cherargei cease being chair of legal affairs.” Kang’ata

He pointed out that communication has been executed to the speaker and changes will be effected immediately.

“This will be communicated to the speaker today about the changes of the composition of senate committees,”Kang’ata said

The shakeup follows the removal of the then-Majority leader Kipchumba Murkomen who was replaced by KANU”s Samiel Phoghisio while Nakuru senator Susan Kihika was removed from her position as Chief whip in the Senate and her position taken by Irungu Kang’ata.

Another Ruto ally who underwent the purge is the former deputy speaker Prof Kithure Kindiki whose position has not yet been replaced.

According to the whip in the senate, such senators are de-whipped for exhibiting disloyal tendencies in the Jubilee party.

