‘Vampire’ alarm puts Malindi film maker in trouble with KFCB

A screen grab from the movie The Real Vampire which has put the group in trouble with the Kenya Film and Classification Board.Actor Hassan Badru( In the photo) was forced to issue an apology following the false alarm PHOTO COURTESY

A group of actors and a film maker from Malindi found themselves in trouble after they shared photos from a horror movie they had created.

Trouble for the young film stars from the Real Voice art group started after they shared photos from  scenes of the movie the Real Vampire which was uploaded on YouTube in May 2018 .

The movie talks of the story of a man who went to seek intervention from a medicine man following advice he got from his relatives but ended up having an appetite for human blood.

The photos were shared by one of the film actor’s Hassan Badru cautioning residents of Watamu and Malindi against going to the Arabuko Sokoke forest as a killer ‘vampire’ had been spotted inside the forest.

Wakaazi wa Malindi na Watamu munaonywa kuingia kiholela katika msitu wa Arabuko Sokoke maana kuna mtu wa hatari ameonekana huko na anasadikiwa kuua watu(This is to caution Malindi and Watamu residents against loitering recklessly inside the Arabuko Sokoke forest.A killer vampire who is said to be waylaying his victims has been spotted inside the forest) “ Badru wrote on Facebook.

On Thursday, a group of security officers and the Kenya Film and Classification Officers advised the group to pull down the photos and issue an official apology through social media platforms.

According to the Kenya Film and Classification Board Coast regional manager Boniventure Kioko, the board is set to sensitize the group on the use of motion pictures.

“The said photos are from a group of youths from Malindi who are aspiring to be great film makers and didn’t know the impact of such a communication to the Public.” Boniventure said.

“We have also agreed to meet the group on Sunday for sensitization workshop on the impact of motion pictures, positive use of social media platform and talent development along other measures related to the film industry.” Boniventure added.

Watch the Movie trailer:


