Lamu leaders call for castration of convicted child defilers

Lamu East Member of Parliament Ruweida Mohamed./FILE

Leaders in Lamu county have called for convicted child defilers to be chemically castrated.

The leaders led by the Lamu women representative Ruweida Obbo have argued that it will help curb the spiraling cases of children defilement in the county.

Mrs. Obbo who was speaking in Lamu on Monday said that taking a convicted defiler to prison is not enough punishment.

“Prison is just a covered and roofed room where defilers carry on with their lives without any punishment that can lead to change,” She said.

Obbo added that an act of severe punishment such as a chemical castration that will serve as a lesson to others with an intention of doing so.

She however says the cases have been contributed to in part by the consumption of illicit brews such as mnazi in  Hindi ward that’s one of the most affected.

Hindi MCA Anab Hajji has backed Obbo’s proposal acknowledging that child defilement is a big challenge in the county.

Hajji who was also speaking on Monday urged the county and the national government to build a rescue center for young girls who are victims of gender-based violence.

Hajji, however, blamed the increase on parents who fail to report defilement cases but rather choose to solve the cases amicably without involving the authorities.

According to statistics from the Lamu branch of World Vision, at least 10 girls are defiled every month in Hindi Division.

It is also indicated that many offenses are committed by relatives close to the victims who include fathers, uncles and brothers.

