Kingi wants MCA’s countrywide given ward development funds

Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi. PHOTO: file

Mombasa, KENYA: Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi has proposed the formation of a CDF like kitty for Members of County Assemblies that will see them being given ward development funds.

Speaking during the Legislative Summit at the Pride Inn Paradise hotel in Mombasa on Tuesday,Kingi said that the kitty will help channel development to the grassroots.

“When we approached the controller of budget he declined our proposal as he said that was impossible as the MCA’S role is being an oversight authority .But my question is why are the MP’s receiving the CDF kitty and their roles are almost similar?” Kingi posed.

Kingi said that the declining of the proposal did not hinder Kilifi county from setting aside a ward development kitty for their Members of County Assembly; a project he urged other counties to emulate terming it as long overdue.

“We as the county we developed a ward development kitty to ensure that our MCA’s are taking development to the grassroots,” Kingi added.

Kingi was speaking on behalf of the Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho who was absent at the opening of the summit.

The Legislative Summit which kicked off on Monday is being attended by Senators and Members of the County Assembly.

The Summit is meant to promote cohesion between the Senate, County Assemblies and other legislative units.

The summit was officially opened on Tuesday by the Deputy president William Ruto while NASA leader Raila Odinga is expected to close the summit on Thursday. 

