Lawyer Waihiga Mwaure joins Lamu Senatorial race

Lamu lawyer Waihiga Mwaure. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Lamu, KENYA: The senatorial race in Lamu County has gained yet another new face following the joining of lawyer Waihiga Mwaure.

Mwaure who in 2013 vied for the gubernatorial seat but lost to current governor Issa Timamy,has now declared that he will be running for Lamu senator on an Agano Party ticket-AP come the August 8 general election date.

Speaking in Lamu on Friday,Mwaure said he was confident and ready to face off with incumbent senator Abu Chiaba, whom he said had miserably failed to represent the interests of the people of Lamu using his position.

Earlier on,the lawyer had hinted that he wished to vie for the governor’s position but seems to have changed his mind and decided to vie for senator instead.

Mwaure said his objective was to employ his legal experience to ensure the people of Lamu are fully represented in the senate and also ensure the resources in the county are well guarded.

He said he was ready and willing to defend devolution at all costs and also ensure more money trickles down from the government to the county in budgetary allocations; in order to pave way for more developments.

Mwaure also pledged to ensure residents are fully enjoined to their leaders in order to allow for smooth sailing of affairs something he said the current senator had failed to do.

“Am confident of winning this race and changing the lives of the people of Lamu in a way that even the incumbent senator himself has yet to imagine.Its evident that the current predecessor has failed and I belive I am the one to remedy the harm he has done,”said Mwaure.

The senatorial race in Lamu has so far attracted six candidates among them speaker of the county assembly Mohamed Hashim,nominated MCA Monica Njambi,politician Hassan Albeity,businessman Abdulrahman Aboud and ward administrator Ng’ang’a Kithuka and lawyer Waihiga Mwaure.

Notably,all the first five faced off with current senator Abu Chiaba in the last general elections and lost.

