Mombasa man killed for failing to pay sh.70 ‘mnazi’ bill

A 52-year-old man died at a lodging in Migori./COURTESY

Mombasa, KENYA: A man was on Wednesday killed by a mob in Mombasa after he failed to pay sh. 70 for ‘mnazi’.

According to witnesses, the man, known by many as Stanley who worked at a car wash, was killed after he attacked a ‘mnazi’ attendant.

“The deceased refused to pay for the alcohol and instead attacked the attendant with a club hitting her on the head and causing severe injury,” said the source.

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One of the deceased friend who also sought anonymity told Baraka FM, that Stanley started quarreling with the attendant when she asked for payment.

“We had even settled his bill so I don’t understand why he went further to attack the attendant,” the friend said.

The incident occurred at Kona Mtongwe area near Docks within Mombasa County.

The assaulted attendant was rushed to Coast General where she is receiving treatment.

