Father, son sentenced to life imprisonment for harbouring Al-Qaeda bomber

Mahfudh Ashur Hemed and son Ibrahim Manfudh Ashur who are accused of harboring an Al Qaeda suspect./Hillary Makokha

Mombasa, KENYA: A Mombasa court on Tuesday sentenced a man and his son to life imprisonment after finding them guilty of harboring Al-Qaeda bomber Fazul Mohammed who masterminded the bombing of the US Embassy in Nairobi in 1998 which killed 219 people.

 Fazul who was killed in Somalia by US forces was also involved in the Paradise hotel bombing in Kikambala which murdered 15 people in 2002.

The Comoran national was killed in Somalia. Fazul Abdullah Mohammed, who had a $5m price tag put on his head by American authorities, was one of the most wanted Islamist militants in the world.

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The embassy attacks – in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam in Tanzania – killed more than 200 people and injured several thousand.

The majority of casualties were local African staff or passersby caught in the multiple explosions that destroyed the buildings.

Mombasa Chief Magistrate Maxwel Gicheru found the two – Mahfudh Ashur Hemed and his son Ibrahim Manfudh Ashur guilty of comforting, assisting and harboring Fazul in order to escape punishment.

“I don’t believe that the accused did not know Fazul or that he was a terrorist wanted for the Us Embassy and Paradise Hotel Bombing,” stated Gicheru.

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The two were arrested at Silversand estate in Malindi in 2008.

Conviction is set for today afternoon.

