Kenya’s strongest man Conrad Njeru passes on aged 72

Kenya's strongest man Conrad Njeru during a past performance.Kinyua passed away on Wednesday aged 72 PHOTO COURTESY

Kenya’s strongest man Conrad Njeru Karukenya mostly known as Tiger Power has passed on aged 72.

Tiger Power passed on Tuesday night while receiving treatment at Consolata Mission hospital Kyeni, Embu county.

Tiger Power, who was a common figure during Agricultural show rose to the limelight following his stunts such as lifting 8 men with ease, pulling a car with his teeth, breaking an 8-inch nail with his teeth and even a Land Rover rolling over his belly.

Tiger Power earned the title “the strongest man” when he dared any man who thinks is stronger than him to challenge him and there was none that came out.

 Tiger Power who received state recommendation in 2008 during former president Kibaki era has been ailing since 2015.

“He has been battling different ailments since 2015, the reason he had to quit powerlifting. He has had kidney failure, lung and heart complications. However, when we were taking him to the hospital on Monday, he was still a man of strength. He even called his children alerting them that he was going to the hospital,” Tiger Power’s brother said.

Before his dismiss Tiger, Power had the dream of starting his own school having graduated from Kenyatta University in 2018 with a Bachelor in Education (early childhood education)

Tiger Power also practiced farming at Kevote, Embu where he lived with his family.

