Second suspect arrested over Swiss nationals murder


Mombasa, KENYA: Police in Mombasa have arrested another suspect linked to the murder of two Swiss nationals whose bodies were found in Kiembeni  area  on Sunday.

The suspect who allegedly went into hiding after the incident, was arrested by detectives in one of the houses within Nyali suburb on Monday at around 2 pm, police confirmed.

Coast region police boss Larry Kieng identified the suspect as Geoffrey Mwaki,38, a caretaker of the deceased couple and hails from Vihiga county.

“Our officers arrested him in one of the houses we believe he was hiding,we are still holding him for interrogation and probably he might be arraigned in court tomorrow, Tuesday, after we are done with investigations,” Police boss said.

He added that the suspect had a cellphone which will be used by investigators to unravel more information.

“The luggage which the couples had is still missing, we are optimistic that after the arrest of this suspect we are going to get more,” added Mr Kieng.

Another suspect whom police said he was a daytime guard, was arrested on  Sunday in the compound of the deceased.

The bodies of couple Marrianne Harnel and Werner Bornerv Paul, were found dumped on the road side in Kiembeni, Kisauni sub-county Sunday morning.

The two were expected to arrive on  Saturday before midnight at Mombasa from Switzerland,only to be found dead on Sunday.

READ MORE: Elderly foreign couple murdered in Mombasa

