One suspect detained over murder of Swiss tourists

Coast region police boss Larry Kieng (L) with other security officers in a past media address PHOTO FILE

Mombasa,KENYA:One prime suspect is being detained by police officers in Mombasa over the murder of two foreign nationals identified as Swiss citizens.

The deceased identified as Marrianne Harnel  and Werner Bornerv Paul are suspected to have been murdered on Saturday evening before their bodies were found dumped in Kiembeni area of Mombasa.

Police say they are also pursuing two other suspects night guard and a caretaker who are on the run.

The elderly couple have lived in Nyali for more than 20 years,according to the area police chief.

“The one we have arrested told us he had been given the keys to the compound  by the caretaker and instructed to look after it”said Mr Rotich.

He said  the caretaker had told him he traveled to Kilifi his home area but his phone signal indicates he is in Nairobi.

The suspect arrested who is a daytime guard told police  the caretaker had earlier  told him not to come to work but later called him to report before he  left.

“The caretaker who is also a driver to the couple has worked  for the deceased  for 10 years,” he added.

Coast region police boss Larry Kieng confirmed to Baraka FM that the two arrived  in the country on Saturday before midnight.

“They reside in an apartment in along Links road in Nyali,the two were expected to jet into the country on Saturday before midnight and  the caretaker was aware of their  arrival.Something happened between the airport and home,”said  the police boss.

Forensic detectives who  visited the deceased’s  apartment  found the couple’s vehicle that had blood stains.

The Toyota saloon car which is suspected to have been used in ferrying the bodies has been confiscated by CID officers.

“We have gotten some evidence from the couple’s saloon car which was parked at their compound and our officers are investigating the same, ” the police boss  added.

Police say they received an alert at around 6 am and found both of them lying motionless.

The two had injuries on their bodies an indication that they were killed using a blunt object.

Police are treating the incident as a murder case.Crime officers arrived at the area taking pictures and the surroundings.

