Kilifi leaders call for investigations over killing of alleged drug dealer

Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo addresses the press.Division has rocked the senate over plans to reduce funding to counties and chanell the funding to other counties PHOTO: DAVID NGUMBAO.

Kilifi, KENYA: Kilifi Governor Amason Kingi and Senator Stewart Madzayo have condemned the killing of a youth at Kibaoni in Kilifi town who had been alleged to be a drug dealer.

Jamal Washe, 32, was reportedly shot on the back by police while running for his safety  early Sunday morning.

Kingi has called upon relevant authorities to carry out intensive investigations on the matter, so as to obtain  justice for the family of the deceased.

He told journalists during a press briefing on Monday that he would take up the matter himself should the government fail to take the necessary action.

“I condemn this act by the prison officer and send my condolences to the family and relatives of the deceased,” said Kingi.

“I want to send this message to the Inspector general of police Joseph Boinet and head of public prosecution that we are watching and we want intensive investigations on the matter and ensure the respective police officer is held in custody,” he added.

Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo also joined the governor in condemning the incident, saying he has already taken up the matter and has ordered his law firm to start the process by writing to the head of public prosecution.

“I have already ordered my office (Madzayo Mrima Jadi Advocates) to pick up the matter with immediate effect. ” Said Madzayo.

However, police maintain that the deceased provoked the police by charging at them with stones and a knife.

Kilifi OCPD Alexander Makau told Baraka FM on Sunday that one officer was badly injured during the incident.

“Basically, Jamal started hitting the officers with stones during the ambush at the Migamuni den where the sale of illicit drugs is taking place,” Makau said.

Autopsy of the deceased is scheduled for Tuesday this week.

READ MORE: Police kill alleged drug dealer in ilifi

