Heavy downpour renders Mombasa roads impassable

A road in Ganjoni area that has been flooded due to the ongoing rains. PHOTO: WYCLIF OKUMU.

Mombasa, KENYA: Roads in Mombasa have been rendered impassable due to the heavy downpour that hit the city on Monday as continuation of the rains that started late April.

Many roads are experiencing floods resulting in heavy jams within and the outskirts of Mombasa town, with some roads blocked owing to poor drainage system.

The flooding has brought traffic to a standstills throughout the city and has affected businesses; as many shops were forced to close for hours on Monday as flooding levels rose.

Matatu people are also taking it to their advantage to hike the cost of transport, with some doubling the price due to the increasing demand; as most people are leaving their vehicles at home.

Residents in low latitude areas are now living in fear, with some already leaving their homes in fear of their houses being be swept away by floods as well as the outbreak of waterborne diseases.

Last week, the County government said they are prepared for emergency should there be crisis, urging residents to ensure nearby water channels are cleared to avoid blockages.

“There is a team in ground that has been set to help residents in areas where there might be any crisis,” county media liaison Richard Chacha told Baraka FM.

Poor drainage system is blamed for the flooding that always occur in Mombasa whenever there is heavy rainfall.

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