Mother and four children perish after wall collapses on a house in Mombasa

Ongoing rescue operations at Kizingo in Mombasa after building collapsed on Monday. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa,KENYA:Six  people were on Monday reported dead in Mombasa after a wall collapsed and fell on a makeshift house around Pandya area, following a heavy downpour.

According to the reports on the ground, the wall was feebly erected and was a disaster in waiting.

The five are believed to be from the same family, while the other one is said to be a business man who had been doing business around the area ,police said.

They were in the same house when the 50 m tall Pandya hospital wall, collapsed on their house on Monday evening.

Red cross officials and police had a hard time retrieving the bodies of those who had been buried in the debris.

Mombasa urban police chief Lucas Ogara confirmed the death of the six, saying the operation had been called off.

“The four are children and their mother,the other man was a businessman who had been roasting maize and sweet potatoes around,” said the police boss.

Police confirmed that four of the deceased were children aged between 5 and 15.

The other two are adults male and a female.

The bodies were taken to the Coast General morgue.

