Azimio #Maandamano to be held on Mondays and Thursdays

Azimio protests will now be held on Mondays and Thursdays./COURTESY

Azimio la Umoja One Kenya will be holding peaceful protests weekly on Mondays and Thursdays.

Azimio leader Raila Odinga said the protests will be held twice a week due to public demand.

“In the second phase of our protest, and in response to public demand, we shall now hold the protests every Monday and Thursday beginning next week,” said Raila Odinga.

Protests were witnessed in several parts of the country with protestors in parts of Nairobi and Kisumu engaging with anti-riot police in running battles.

One person was reported dead after he was shot by police during the demos in Kisumu.

“It is of utmost importance that we rein in the runaway high cost of living for the benefit of ordinary citizens of our nation. This issue motivates us and keeps us going,” said Raila Odinga.

Several Azimio leaders were arrested in the Monday protests including Malindi Member of Parliament Amina Mnyazi, her Kilifi South counterpart Ken Chonga, and Kilifi Senator Stewart Madzayo among others.

“We are on a just cause to alleviate our country from the shackles of poverty and misguided leadership. Had our forefathers kept quiet, we wouldn’t have realized freedom. If we don’t stand up today and fight for our rights, then history will judge us harshly. love you all,” wrote MP Amina Mnyazi on her social media pages.

