Mombasa health workers suspend strike.

The Coast Provincial General Hospital signboard./COURTESY

Mombasa health workers have suspended their strike.

In a statement, the health workers unions leaders urged their members to report back to work on Friday 11th March 2022.

The suspension followed an order from the Employment and Labour Relations court in Mombasa following an application by the County government of Mombasa.

“An interim order of injunction is hereby issued, restraining the respondents and their members from carrying on with the strike action that commenced on 6th March 2022, in terms of the 7-day notice dated 28th February 2022 and should forthwith resume their duty,” read the order from Lady Justice Agnes Kitiku.

The workers have suspended the strike as they await court deliberations set for 23rd March.

“While we understand that our bare minimums of having the February salary and the remittance of all arrears on statutory and other deductions have not been met, we advise all our members to report back to their workstations by 11th March 2022 at 8:00AM as we actively engage our legal teams in handling this matter in court,” read the statement from the different health workers unions.

The medics had earlier on on Wednesday vowed to continue with their strike until their demands were met.

