Two Children mauled to death by Hyena in Kwale

Two children aged one and two have been mauled to death by a hyena in Baisa village, Kinango sub-county.
Three other people were left with injuries after the attack.
Kinango OCPD Fredrick Ombaka has confirmed the incident saying that the injured were rushed to Samburu hospital for treatment.

The bodies of the deceased were taken to Kinango sub-county hospital mortuary.
Meanwhile fear has gripped Kikoneni village in Lungalunga, following a buffalo invasion.
 According to residents, the buffalo attacked a man, injuring him and even breaking his leg.
 “This buffalo is also invading farms and destroying our crops”, they stated.
Residents have now called on the Kenya Wildlife Service-KWS- personnel to subdue the bufallo and return it to Shimba Hills game reserve where it believed to have come from.

