Ruto raises temperatures at Bomas after faulting BBI proposals

Deputy President William Ruto addressing delegates during the official launch of the BBI Report at Bomas in Nairobi./PSCU

Deputy president William Ruto raised temperatures at Bomas of Kenya during the launch of Building Bridges initiative push by faulting some components which he felt encompassed loopholes in the report.

Addressing delegates at Bomas in Nairobi during the BBI report launch, Ruto faulted some sections in the report which he warned ought not to be overlooked because they might be detrimental in future.

He faulted the inclusion of Ombudsman in the judiciary arguing that such development might weaken the independence of the judiciary adding that the judiciary must not be under funded in order to increase service delivery.

He said that it is paradoxical to increase the number of women in the Senate without giving it power to execute devolution question especially on matters allocation of resources.

The Deputy President also said that he was of the contrary view on a leeway given to political parties to nominate the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) commissioners, saying that such principle might not uphold fair play.

“How fair will a league be, where a referee is appointed by teams, and not all teams but some teams,” Ruto said.

He urged for the consideration of farmers by ramping up incentives in the agricultural sector in bid to improve the economy.

He criticized having a police council chaired by cabinet secretary pointing that it is a derogation from independence of the police.

Ruto underwent jeers as he was making his assertion during the delegates meeting urging Kenyans to uphold sober discussion of the whole matter.

President Uhuru Kenyatta, his Deputy William Ruto, former Prime Minister Rails Odinga, leaders from other spheres including religion, diplomats, private sector congregated at Bomas of Kenya to oversee the launch of BBI report.

