Raila condemns Murang’a chaos during Ruto’s visit

Raila Odinga at Chungwa house.

Orange Democratic Movement leader Raila Odinga has condemned violence witnessed at Kenol in Murang’a County on Sunday.

The leader spoke a day after two people died during the chaos that erupted during the DP’s visit to Kenol, Murang’a.

Odinga said that he was disturbed by the violence witnessed, alleging that people were ferried in buses from other parts of the region and engaged in running battles with locals.

“This spectre of violence and vandalism in the name of a presidential election that is over two years away, should be a serious cause for concern to all peace loving Kenyans,” said Odinga.

Odinga has appealed to politicians to stop early campaigns and also urged them to renounce the politics of violence and militarization of youths as a means of achieving power.

He further appealed to the Government to move with speed, and fairly but firmly deal with the people behind the violence.

A section of MPs have termed Deputy President William Ruto the most dangerous person and should be stopped before 2022 elections.

Led by National Assembly Minority Leader John Mbadi and Minority Whip Junet Mohammed, the leaders said the DP has started mobilizing the country to war should things fail to go his way in 2022.

