MCAs now want revenue bill transfered to counties for debate

Senate speaker Ken Lusaka. PHOTO; courtesy

A section of Kilifi County MCAs now wants senate to transfer the controversial revenue sharing formula bill to county levels for passage.

Led by Jilore MCA Daniel Chai Chiriba they say county assemblies will easily find a consensus unlike the senate which has failed nine times.

“Let them give us that bill to pass it. I don’t see them reaching a consensus anytime soon. MCAs can do a better job”, he said.

According to Chiribai, politics has reared its head in the process with senators holding hardline positions to appease some quarters.

“Counties are slowly dying because there is no money to run them yet senators cannot agree. This is purely political machinations”, he added.

His sentiments were echoed by Gongoni MCA Albert Kiraga, who decried the lack of funds for counties saying development projects have stalled.

” The senate is there to represent counties, if they can’t agree let them give us the bill to pass because for them what they do best is to disagree everytime”, said Kiraga.

Senators on Monday formed a twelve-member team to build consensus.

The resolution was arrived at following a last-minute agreement on Monday night among the two rival factions wich have maintained hardline positions on which formula is suitable for the 2020/2021 financial year.

Senators proposed to serve in the committee include Johnson Sakaja (Nairobi), Mohammed Mahamud (Mandera), Stewart Madzayo (Kilifi), Kipchumba Murkomen (Elgeyo Marakwet), Mutula Kilonzo Jnr (Makueni).

Others are Susan Kihika (Nakuru), Samson Cherararkey (Nandi), Moses Kajwang (Homa Bay), Anuar Loitiptip (Lamu), Moses Wetangula (Bungoma), John Nderitu (Laikipia) and Ledama Ole Kina (Narok).

