Ruto and Waiguru top corruption list

Deputy President William Ruto and Kirinyaga governor Anne Waiguru who have been named as the most corrupt leaders PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA: Deputy President William Ruto and Kirinyaga governor Ann Waiguru have been named as the most corrupt leaders in Kenya.

This is According to a recent survey conducted by Pollster Ipsos.

Addressing the media in Nairobi, Ipsos chief researcher Tom Wolf said that, according to the research they conducted, 33 percent of Kenyans feel that Ruto is the most corrupt leader followed by Waiguru at 31 percent.

Wolf pointed out that such trend was due to exposure of the stories of corruption in the media which has led to such perception from the last general elections.

Former president Daniel Arap Moi was also among the leader whom Kenyans feel that is corrupt standing at 17 percent.

Wolf alluded that three-quarter of Kenyans said that corruption menace is a major challenge in the country which must be tackled head-on.

The survey also indicated that half of Kenyans feel that corrupt leaders should not be given a chance to hold public offices; pointing that the fight against corruption will succeed if relevant agencies including Ethics and Anticorruption commission back president Uhuru Kenyatta’s bid in fighting the vice.

The survey was conducted between the 25th of July and 2nd August, 2018.

