Poor voter turn out in Tana River County

Tana River senator Juma Wario addressing journalists after vote cast at Forest Training polling station. PHOTO: CHIDULU SAIDI

Tana River, KENYA: The Repeat presidential elections in Tana River on Thursday were marked by poor voter turnout compared to the previous election of August 8th.

Baraka FM did a spot check on several polling stations in the county and Laza primary polling station which is known for having a bigger number of voters amongst Hola town polling stations, with over 2000 registered voters, had a very minimum number of voters.

The situation was similar in other polling stations, including Rafiki primary, Hola primary, Kalkacha Primary, Jara Mobile, Chamari well Mobile and Forest Training centre.

According to some voters who spoke to Baraka Fm, they said they were exercising their democratic right as ruled by the Supreme Court.

Despite the poor turnout, Jubilee leaders in the county have shown their hope of winning the race.

Speaking to reporters, county senator Mr. Juma Wario said Jubilee would win the elections.

Mr. Wario cast his vote at Forest Training Centre in Hola NIB scheme where he congratulated NASA supporters of maintaining peace despite election boycott.

“I have voted, and the turnout is ok at this polling station. I’m hopeful towards this election that Jubilee will win the race and I congratulate the NASA supporters for they have maintained peace as urged by their flag bearer Mr. Raila Odinga,” said Mr. Wario.

On the other hand, former Galole Mp Mr. Hassan Dukicha called upon Tana River residents to maintain peace whether they vote or not.

He said it was their democratic right to decide on who they would vote. Mr. Dukicha voted at Kalkacha primary school polling station in the afternoon with his family.

“The Supreme Court ruled to hold an election within 60 days and I’m here fulfill the ruling. This was a mandate to every Kenyan to vote whoever leader he/she want not necessarily to vote for Uhuru and I’m hopeful that my party will win,” He said.

The Tana River branch IEBC said they had properly made arrangements for the election exercise.

County IEBC boss Mr. Mohamed Gonjobe Raka confirmed that ballot papers and all gadgets necessary for the election had been reached the destination.

However, he added that some polling stations in Bura constituency were opened late due to transport challenges caused by heavy rains.

Mr. Raka called upon the county residents to appear in large numbers to fulfill their democratic rights before it’s dusk.

