Mt. Kenya caucus faults Supreme Court ruling

Chief Justice David Maraga, his Deputy Philomena Mwilu and Justice JB Ojwang' at the supreme court chambers. photo:file

Nairobi, KENYA: Caucus under Mt Kenya shapers, have accused the Supreme court judges of subverting president Uhuru Kenyatta’s victory despite having won the elections in August 8.

The group led by their chairman Ngugi I G, stated that the judgment was a clear violation of article one of the constitution that states that all sovereign powers belongs to the people of Kenya.

The group alluded that in spite of the unfortunate developments, they will be proceeding to swear in President Uhuru Kenyatta on 22 November, which is the immediate Tuesday after the 7 days provided for to the IEBC chair to declare the results and 14 days provided for the preparation of the ceremony by the assumption of the office of the president.

“This time round,we shall not allow anyone to subvert the will of the majority of Kenyas. The fact that we are the silent majority does not imply that we are cowards.” Ngugi said.

The leaders are now calling upon immigration authorities to immediately withdraw all travel documents of the supreme court judges, the judiciary, chief registrar ,IEBC commissioners and all other senior staff of these two institutions as they have information that some are planning to run away from country.

The group further demanded reinstatement of senior IEBC ICT officers who were unfairly dismissed and their security beefed up within 6 hours.

