Family of slain clinical officer suspect revenge motive behind kin’s death

Bessy Kaimenyi center in red T-shirt widow of the deceased, Arnold mutuma brother in law to decreased in stripped shirt together with other family members addressing media on Monday. PHOTO: WELDON KEMBOI.

Mombasa, KENYA: The family of murdered clinical officer in Likoni have attributed the death of their kin to a revenge plot.

Patrick Kaimenyi was killed Saturday night in Likoni and his body dumped near the Indian ocean by uknown people.

Arnold Mutuma,34, the brother in law to the deceased who spoke on behalf of the family, said the shocking information on the killings of their kin had left the family in surprise.

“We are in total shock ,it is unbelievable to loose a young man like this!We have information from the police that our brother was murdered over revenge reasons. We are asking the investigators to speed up investigations and bring the culprits to book,” said Mr. Mutuma.

He defended the deceased saying he has not been linked to any criminal records, adding that he was  hardworking and the family’s  breadwinner.

“We have been in constant communication even the day he was killed; we had talked earlier in the day and he sounded jovial,” added Mr. Mutuma.

Bessy Kaimenyi,29,widow and mother of two, said she received the disturbing news on Saturday, around midnight.

She said she had talked to her husband at around 8:30 pm on phone regarding family issues and all was well.

“He told me he was going to buy food outside the dispensary premises.I talked to him and he told me all was well, only to receive bad news at midnight,” said a tearful Ms. Kaimenyi.

She asked the police to leave no stone unturned as they continue to probe the matter.

“We din’t expect the death of my husband,somebody somewhere planned the killings and they executed it,” she added.

There were reports that police are pursuing a woman who was last seen with the decesead.

A Police source told Baraka FM on condition of anonymity, that the said woman had switched off her phone when she was contacted.

“The woman has crucial information which will help us to unearth what transpired on that Saturday,”said an officer aware of the investigations.

Likoni police chief Christopher Rotich confirmed to Baraka FM that they were pursuing crucial leads, but said it was too early to divulge more.

“We need time and we are assuring the family and the public that we will do our part,” said the police chief.

Patrick Kaimenyi was murdered and his body found dumped near the ocean on Sunday.

He had been working at Marris dispensary in Timbwani Likoni.

