Kilifi MPs push for Joho or Kingi to be named NASA principal

Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Joho,NASA Leader Raila Odinga and Kilifi governor Amason Kingi during a past rally. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Kilifi, KENYA: The seven Members of Parliament from Kilifi county are demanding for the inclusion of either Kilifi governor Amason Kingi or his Mombasa counterpart Ali Hassan Joho as one of the National Super Alliance Principals.

Led by Kilifi North and Malindi Mps Owen Baya and Aisha Jumwa respectively, they said the two regions have really worked for NASA unlike Peter  Munya who was brought on board with his Party of National Unity.

Addressing the press in the Kilifi’s  on Tuesday, the Mps said they have delivered a lot of votes for NASA hence they deserve to be among the principals.

“Kilifi delivered almost a hundred percent of Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) votes to NASA, and we really expected the inclusion of one of the two between governor Kingi and Joho but they have done the opposite and bring Peter Munya,” said Baya.

“What we are saying is that we need recognition in NASA and we will fight for it until it happens,” he added.

Malindi Mp Aisha Jumwa said Munya delivered zero votes and adds no value to NASA.

She said the condition that for one to be included as a NASA principle he/she must own a political party, should be scrapped off and accommodate other industrious leaders.

“The inclusion of Peter Munya is nonsense to NASA as he adds no value to the alliance,” said Jumwa.

“When Kingi and Joho were busy campaigning for NASA and Raila Odinga, Munya was busy campaigning for Jubilee and Uhuru Kenyatta, how come that he is recognized more than us?” she added.

She said the current politics is on a zoning formation and expressed fear that Munya is zoned in the Jubilee platform.

“The today’s politics is very hard and is on a zoning formation which we all know that Munya is on the Jubilee zone. We are telling Raila to sit back and meditate this and come up with a wise decision,” Jumwa said.

Others in attendance were Ganze Mp Teddy Mwambire, Kaloleni Mp Paul Katana, Rabai Mp William Kamoti and Magarini Mp Michael Kingi.

