Uhuru Kenyatta’s Lawyer denies he bribed IDPs for votes

Uhuru Kenyatta's Lawyer Fred Ngatia PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:President Uhuru Kenyatta did not use the issue of internally displaced persons IDPS to get support during the General elections.

Kenyatta’s senior counsel, Fred Ngatia told the Supreme Court that funds channeled to IDPs were not meant to influence them but help in humanitarian efforts.

Earlier the Lawyer had used an interview the Former US secretary of state John Kerry gave to international broadcaster CNN saying that paper ballots provided a way to go back and ascertain the alleged hacked data as evidence that the election was free and fair .

The National Super Alliance (NASA) went to court to challenge the presidential elections outcome.

Senior counsel Ahmed Nassir Abdullahi told the court Jubilee won the elections fair and square.

He told the court the petitioner has no strong case that can overturn the outcome of the August 8 election.

“The petitioner has not provided sufficient grounds that could warrant invalidation of the poll outcome”, he said.

Lawyers representing the electoral and boundaries commission (IEBC) are still responding to the petitioner’s allegations.

