Bahati’s crush, Tanzanian actress to get married soon

Lulu in a past movie role PHOTO COURTESY

Gospel singer Bahati’s all time crush Lulu Elizabeth Michael is set to get married soon.

This is according to an interview the Tanzanian actress gave to a Tanzanian newspaper The Tanzanian where she said that  her wedding to Tanzanian radio mogul  DJ Majay was just around the corner .

Siku zinakaribia na karibu tarehe ya ndoa yangu itatangazwa kwa uwezo wa Mungu. Hapo ndipo waliotamani tuachane wataziba midomo, maana natarajiwa kuwa mke halali hivi karibuni,” 

(The day is approaching when my wedding date will be announced soon by Gods grace.And that’s when those who were wishing breakup on use will shutup because very soon am going to be the legal wife.) said the Tanzanian actress.

The actress began dating the media mogul in 2016 after he broke-up with his baby mama Hamisa Mobeto and he is the CEO of EFM radio in Tanzania after starting up as a DJ.

Lulu’s remarks comes a week after Kenyan gospel singer Bahati  revealed in an interview that the actress had belittled him and snubbed when he travelled to Tanzania to try talk her into becoming a video vixen in his Maria video.

Bahati had last year revealed that he was madly in love with Lulu and was ready to make her his wife.

