Massive traffic jam in Mombasa as Joho blocked from attending Uhuru functions

GSU officers confronting Kisauni MP Rashid Bedzimba after they were blocked together with governor Joho at Nyali bridge. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Mombasa, KENYA: Mombasa residents were on Monday morning stuck on the road for almost 3 hours after detectives mounted a heavy search on vehicles and commuters using Nyali Bridge.

The officers from the Presidential Escort, the Flying squad and GSU stopped every vehicle accessing the bridge in what was alleged to have been a plot to block Governor Hassan Joho from accessing town.

According to Mombasa Director of Communications and Public Relations  Richard Chacha, they blocked and held Governor Joho and Kisauni MP Rashid Bedzimba as they made their way to town on motorcycles.

He added that the officers escorted the governor to his office, where they stood guard before being joined by their colleagues from the Anti-Terror Police Unit.

Speaking to Journalists in Mombasa at his county offices after the incident, Governor Joho said that he opted to take a motorbike so as to arrive in time for the Mtongwe function, only to be blocked at the bridge.

“I opted to take a boda boda to make it the island but as we reached the bridge we met the GSU officers who told us that it has been decided that we should not attend the Mtongwe function.” Said Joho.

Joho added that he has been restricted from leaving his office until the president finishes presiding over all his functions in Mombasa.

“They have told us we will not leave this office until the president leaves. So basically it’s like am on office arrest.” Added Joho.

President Kenyatta is expected to preside over the relaunch of Mtongwe Ferry Services today ( Monday).

On Sunday during a public rally in Mombasa,  President Kenyatta told off governor Ali Hassan Joho for taking credit on several national government projects in Mombasa.

Earlier on, there were claims that Joho and his team were to respond to the remarks made by President Kenyatta during today’s ( Monday)  function.

