Senate Speaker Ekwe Ethuro mourns Senator Boy

A file photo of Senator Juma Boy Juma.

Nairobi, KENYA: Senate speaker Ekwe Ethuro has joined Kenyans in mourning the Late Kwale senator Juma Boy following his demise over the weekend.

Ethuro said he received a message on Juma Boy’s death with great shock and sadness; which occurred Sunday morning at the AghaKhan hospital in Nairobi.

In a statement sent to news rooms on Monday, Ethuro said that Juma Boy’s death was a great loss, not only to senate but the entire Parliament of Kenya, the county of Kwale and the whole country.

“The dark hand of death has robbed us again of a dear colleague and a patriot. We will
dearly miss the services of the late Senator Juma Boy.” Said Ethuro.

He said that Senator Boy Juma Boy has had a long political career spanning back to the 90s after he took
over the political baton from his fearless father the late JumaBoy as MP for Matuga in 1983.

The late senator served as the then ruling party chief whip during the KANU regime under
President Daniel Arap Moi.

“His charm and prowess in Swahili language during debates endeared him to many, not only during his stint in the National Assembly but also when he became the first elected senator of Kwale county.” Ethuro said.

He added that late senator will be remembered by his colleagues as a team player who exhibited
bipartisan politics when it came to handling matters of national importance.

READ ALSO: Late Senator Boy to be buried in his Vanga home, Kwale

“On my own behalf and that of the senate, I wish to convey my heartfelt condolences to the family of the late Boy JumaBoy. May Allah rest hissoul in eternal peace.” He said.

