Former Coast Footballer seeks help to treat cancerous knee


Haruni Heri has been struggling to walk since he got an injury on his right knee.

With excruciating pain, he lives a day at a time fearing for his swollen knee which has now turned cancerous.

According to his family, for two years, he has been bedridden most of the time in his mother’s compound in Mjanaheri,Kilifi County.

The former division Two side Beach Bay midfielder is now appealing for financial support to undergo surgery on his knee.

Speaking to Baraka FM’s sports writer Victor Kibamba, the ex-midfielder said he needs Kshs. 500,000 for the surgery which is long overdue.

The former Marafa boys Captain was a key player to the Magarini Sub County based club before his injury in 2021.

” I got this injury after a matatu door knocked my knee.Later when i went to hospital for check-up, i was told it had developed to Osteosarcoma‘, he said.

He can be reached through his Mobile number 0795905681 or his Mother’s 0701548257.

