Use social media for business not backbiting, women told

Topista Juma at the forum for female journalists and activists./GLADYS MARURA


Women have been urged to use social media platforms for business opportunities and not to degrade and defame others.

While speaking at a forum for female journalists and activists, Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI) Gender Officer Topista Juma said most women go to social media to degrade others instead of using the platform to better themselves financially.

“We should use the platforms to empower ourselves through education and business rather than attacking others online,” she said.

The Gender Officer reiterated that whereas social media can be used to communicate or air out challenges one is going through, the platform also exposes women to online harassment and trolling.

“Many marriages have ended as a result of seeking advice on social media, and others have even posted worries about their mental health,” she said.

Through the engagement, women journalists and Human Rights Defenders (HRDs) learned how to make strong passwords on their digital devices and secure their social media sites.

“I believe from now onwards we as women will be able to create strong passwords and also teach others on how to create these passwords so as to keep ourselves safe,” Juma remarked.

Also at the forum was Article 19 and Paradigm Initiative.

