Kenyan woman who almost died in Saudi Arabia rescued

Haki Africa with families of Kenyans stuck in Saudi Arabia photo:file

BY>>>JOHNSON CHENGO( Correspondent)

A Kenyan woman who survived torture and death in Saudi Arabia has been rescued and returned to her home in Kilifi County.

Zena Mohamed is alleged to have escaped from her employer a day after starting work and was detained.

Its alleged she held in solitary confinment with her hands and legs tied with a rope to prevent her from escaping. It’s also alleged that Zena was tortured for about two weeks.

According to statement from her family, a Good Samaritan came to the rescue of their daughter before more harm could hit her.

“Our sister had injuries on her neck, legs and hands, and she seemed to be suffering mentally over the ordeal before she escaped from her employer’s house”, said the family.

Her husband Mr. Salim Wanje claims that his attempts to find help for his wife to travel back home were met with cold stare by the agent who facilitated the victim’s travel.He allegedly demanded sh.174,000 to facilitate the victim’s travel back to Kenya.

“Had it not been because of this good samaritan, who contacted us and connected our family to Zena, she would have lost her life”, an emotional Salim narrates.

Zena who has not uttered a word since her rescue, was being deprived of food and water by her employer, according to the family.

According to the family, the woman is currently admitted at The Kilifi County referral hospital undergoing specialized treatment.

Meanwhile Human rights activists from Kilifi County have urged the government to arrest the agent responsible for Zena’s travel to Saudi Arabia.

Edited by :George Otieno

