Gachagua tells Raila to retire from active politics

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. /COURTESY

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has called on the Opposition leader Raila Odinga to retire from active politics.

Speaking in Mombasa at Bandari Maritime Academy on Thursday where he flagged off seafarers, Gachagua reiterated that the government will not negotiate with the Azimio leader.

“We shall only engage my elder brother Raila in a dialogue of his exit from politics and nothing else,’’ he said.

The DP claimed that Raila has had nothing to offer Kenyans since he joined politics.

 “It is Raila who has led this country to an economic loss. He has been using violence every election year,’’ noted Gachagua.

On his part, Nyali Member of Parliament Mohamed Ali claimed that Raila has been pushing for a selfish agenda throughout the Azimio demos.

 “Raila was in the previous government and remained silent when prices were high. It is the Kenya Kwanza government that will put things in order,’’ he pointed out.

 “I want to call on the youths to avoid being misused by political leaders,’’ he added.

