Senator accuses KPA of bias in Lamu port jobs

Officials inspecting the LAPSSET project in Lamu PHOTO file

Lamu nominated Senator Shakila Abdalla has accused the government of sidelining locals in job opportunities at the Lamu Port, South Sudan-Ethiopia project(LAPSSET).

Speaking in the senate, Abdalla accused the Kenya ports Authority (KPA) of holding locals in low regard and giving them menial jobs at the port despite their educational qualification.

” KPA has only left us jobs such as dock workers-people employed to load or unload ships- like people who did not go to school.This is not fair at all”, she stated.

She also wondered why the headquarters of the Lapsset project is in Nairobi instead of Lamu.

According to the Senator,Lamu has enough land that can be used to build the headquarter rather than all management directives coming from Nairobi.

“I don’t understand why the Lapsset headquarter is in Nairobi and yet they put up a big building in Lamu for the project”, she added.

