Governor Nassir sets up task force on health care systems in Mombasa

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Sheriff Nassir./COURTESY

Mombasa County Governor Abdullswamad Sheriff Nassir has established a task force on the healthcare systems in Mombasa.

The 15-member task force, chaired by former Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU) Secretary General Dr. Chibanzi Mwachonda,  will be responsible for engaging stake-holders including healthcare workers, the general public and the National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF).

It will also review the architecture of health delivery and state of physical healthcare infrastructure including buildings and equipment.

“Mombasa County is Kenya’s second largest city county in terms of population facing a threat arising from an increasingly urbanized populace with a rising need for efficient and effective healthcare service delivery,” said Governor Nassir.

Swamad said the taskforce will also audit public healthcare related human resource currently employed by the County Government and make recommendations on addressing the skills gap.

Task force members include six Community Health Volunteers appointed by the governor, drawn from all the six sub-counties of Mombasa.

Others will include Representatives from Civil Society, Kenya Medical Association (KMA), National Hospital Insurance Fund (NHIF) and five others. The task force is expected to submit a report on its findings to the governor within 30 days.

