Haki Africa: Several human rights violated during 2022 general elections

Haki Africa Executive Director Hussein Khalid flanked by other Civil Society Organizations heads during the launch of the Human Rights Report at Haki Africa offices in Mombasa./COURTESY

Several human rights provided for in the 2010 Constitution were violated during the August 2022 general elections.

According to a report by Haki Africa and other civil society groups, several people were killed in direct relation to the 2022 elections while others had their properties destroyed.

The report indicates that seven people were killed hence the violation of the Right to Life.

The seven include; Brian Olunga who was shot dead in Bungoma, William Ochieng’ who was stabbed to death in Kibera and the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Returning Officer for Embakasi East Daniel Musyoka whose body was recovered in Oloitoktok.

Violation of Right to Own Property: Haki Africa confirmed three incidences where properties were damaged including here in Mombasa where a car belonging to Thureya Kajembe, wife of a aspirant, was stoned and damaged by an aspirant in Jitoni, Jomvu.

The report also highlighted Freedom from torture as being violated during the 2022 electioneering period.

Two cases have been submitted to the Independent Policing Oversight Authority (IPOA) for investigations over alleged police torture of two people who claim to have been beaten and injured by police for unknown reasons in Mombasa County.

“Further Haki Africa received a case where an IEBC official was shot in the leg whileon official duties in Wajir,” read the report.

Violation of Right to security: Haki Africa observers recorded at least 17 instances across the country where there was breach of security.

Also read: Misinformation the greatest challenge in the 2022 general elections

The reported noted that politicians were heavily involved in the said incidences, which include one that happened at Marycliff in Mvita where gunshots were fired as political leaders from different parties accused each other of electoral malpractices.

“In many cases politicians failed to maintain discipline as well as peace and order,” read the report.

Also read: Gun violence among reasons for low voter turn out in Mombasa

Violation of Right to vote: Postponement of elections in Mombasa and other regions violated the Right to Vote.

“This followed a mix-up of ballot papers that saw polling centers with ballot papers from different counties,” read the report in part.

“It would appear that this was a mistake of the printers but even so, IEBC has to take responsibility as the body that identified the printers,” it continued to read.

The report further explains that in essence the postponement denied the people their right to vote for their leaders.

