William Ruto beats Azimio’s Raila Odinga for the top seat

President-elect William Ruto./COURTESY

William Samoei Ruto is the President-elect of Kenya.

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) Chair Wafula Chebukati declared William Ruto the winner presidential elections at Bomas in Nairobi on Tuesday following the August 9th general elections.

Ruto garnered 7,176,141 votes which is 50.49 percent of the total votes tallied.

He also managed to attain a minimum of 25 percent votes in 39 counties, 15 more than required by the constitution.

“I Wafula Chebukati, Chairperson Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission hereby declare that Ruto William Samoei of ID number 6847208 has been duly elected as the President of the Republic of Kenya under the provisions of Article 138 of the Constitution of Kenya…” read Wafula Chebukati.

Also read: Joho cost Raila the presidency, says Hassan Omar

While giving his speech, President-elect William Ruto thanked the IEBC for running a transparent elections and also thanked his competitor Raila Odinga for a campaign that Ruto termed as dwelled on issues and tried to sell an agenda for Kenyans.

“I want to promise the people of Kenya that I will run a transparent and open government. I will work with the opposition to a point that they will oversight my government,” said President-elect Ruto.

“I will make sure this nation moves forward, is united and prosperous,” he added.

Azimio’s Raila Odinga came in second with 6,942,930 which translates to 48.85 percent of the total votes.

David Mwaure and George Wajackoya garnered 31,987 and 61,969 votes respectively.

Meanwhile, four IEBC commissioners on Monday disowned the presidential results announced by IEBC Chair Wafula Chebukati.

The four, led by IEBC Vice Chair Juliana Chitera, held a press conference at a hotel in Nairobi minutes before the announcement by Chebukati.

“We cannot take ownership of the results going to be announced because of the opaque nature of this last phase of the general elections,” said Chitera.

