Kilifi Fishmongers hike prices

The amount of fish Kenya is consuming is still lower than expected./COURTESY

Kilifi, KENYA: Price of fish has shot up in Kilifi County.

This is due to hike in prices of cooking oil and the cost of living.

Speaking to Baraka FM, fish mongers in Kilifi Town say a kilo of fish now costs sh. 230 from sh. 150.  

A trader said she spends more on buying fish now than previous hence she had to hike prices in order to get a profit.

Another trader blamed the cost of living for the increase in prices of the delicacy in Kilifi.

She says 10 litres of oil now costs sh.2, 050 leaving them with no option but to hike prices.

They have now called on the government to reign on the cost of living to alleviate high prices that are out of reach for mwananchi.

“We hiked prices just so that we can also make profit. The blame is on the government for increasing taxes for most commodities”, they stated.

