Joho confident of beating Raila for ODM presidential ticket

ODM leader Raila Odinga with Mombasa governor Hassan Joho during a past rally .PHOTO file

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho says he will vie for presidency in 2022 General Elections.

Speaking in Mombasa, Joho said he is confident of winning the ODM presidential ticket to become the party’s flagbearer.

Joho insisted he has what it takes to beat ODM leader Raila odinga in party nominations.

“I tell you, I will emerge victorious. If it’s not me, then its Oparanya, or Baba. If not Baba then definitely it will be me”, he said.

Speaking in Mombasa while accompanying Odinga in an Iftar celebration hosted by Mvita Mp Abdulswamad Sharrif, Joho also urged President Uhuru Kenyatta to re-open the economy saying COVID-19 is here to stay.

According to Joho, one and a half years of restrictions have hindered the economic growth of the country.

Joho insisted that Kenyans should learn to live with the pandemic by ensuring they adhere to all health guidelines.

“ We as leaders should be telling our people to wash their hands and wear masks. Personally, i think we should reopen our economy fully”, he added.

