Likoni Mp Mishi Mboko lauds budget for favouring Coast Counties

Likoni MP Mishi Mboko :PHOTO file

Likoni MP  Mishi Mboko has lauded the government for allocating funds to the coastal region mega projects.

Reacting to budget estimates read by Finance CS Ukur Yattani on Thursday, Mishi pointed that such projects will create jobs and  upscale economic development in the country.

“We have seen funds have been allocated to Lapset project which will create jobs and improve our economy,not for Kenya but for the coastal region too. The blue economy and fish plant in Lamu will fully benefit the coast as a whole.”Mboko said.

Mombasa and Lamu are leading beneficiary counties in the coast region from the 2021/22 financial year budget.

According to Treasury Cabinet Secretary Ukur Yattani’s budget, Lamu will benefit from projects initiated by  the national government which include a meat plant, fishing plant  and Lapsset project.

In his budget presentation on Thursday, Yattani said Mombasa county will also benefit from an allocation of sh.7.5 billion to Mombasa port to enhance development.

“To support the development of ports I have allocated sh.7.5 billion shillings to for the construction of Mombasa port development project and sh.7.5 billion for the lapsset project,” Yattani said.


The Kenya Ferry has been allocated sh.128 million for insurance, sh.149  million for maintenance and sh.603 million for construction of airports .

Dongo Kundu road project will benefit from the allocation of sh.8.3 billion special economic zone .

Yattani pointed that in bid to revive the Kenya meat commission, the government will establish a meat processing plant in Lamu to propel the ready market for meat products and enhance meat value chain.

The CS said that the government is fast tracking refurbishment of Liwatoni fishing complex, by setting up a new fishing plant in Lamu through an allocation of one billion shillings.

Funds proposed to the coastal projects by the treasury ministry are part of sh.3.6 trillion, 2021/2022 financial estimates which were captured in the budget.

