IEBC clears ODM candidate Omar Boga for Msambweni by-election

ODM Msambweni candidate Omar Boga being presented with a certificate to contest in the by-election slated for 15th December. IEBC cleared Boga on Friday./COURTESY

The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission has cleared Orange Democratic Movement candidate Omar Boga for the Msambweni by-election that will be held on 15th December, 2020.

Omar who was accompanied by ODM party leaders including Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho and Siaya Senator James Orengo submitted his nomination papers to IEBC on Friday, where he was cleared and given a certificate to contest in the upcoming by-election.

Boga’s clearance comes just two days after an advocacy group wrote to the Commission to bar him from participating in the by-election on grounds that he is an active member of Kenya Fisheries Services Board of Directors.

Boga will be contesting for the seat against Wiper party’s Sheikh Abdulrahman and independent candidates Mariam Sharlet Akinyi and Feisal Bader, who’s being supported by Deputy President William Ruto.

