Former IEBC commissioners land ambassadorial slots


Former IEBC commissioners have landed ambassadorial slots as president Uhuru Kenyatta appoints ambassadors across the globe.

Consolata Nkatha,Margret Mwachanya ,and paul.Kibiwott were appointed as deputy mission heads to Rome Islamabad and Rome respectively.

BBI joint Secretary Ambassador Martin Kimani was also appointed as the new permanent representative to the United Nations.

In a statement, the President also nominated Ambassador John Tipis as Canberra high commissioner.

Immaculate Wambua to Ottawa and Ambassador Catherine Mwangi high commissioner to Pretoria.

Others nominated as ambassadors are, Am Jean Kamau who will settle in  Addis Ababa, Linday Kiptiness, Bangkok, Amb Tom Amolo to Berlin.

 Lemarron Kaanto, Brasilia, Amb Daniel Wambura, Bujumbura and Stella Munyi ambassador to Harare.

Maj Gen Samuel Nandwa for Juba, Maj Gen Ngewa Mukala, Khartoum, Amb Benson Ogutu to Moscow, Joshua Gatimu, Tehran, Amb Tabu Irina, Tokyo, and Ambassador Jean Kimani to United Nations Habitat.

Nominated as Deputy head of missions are Hudson Ivutsia to Abuja station, Margaret Mwachanya, Islamabad, London is Joakim Kiarie Kamere, Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Thomas Chepkato to Mogadishu.

Dr. Paul Kibiwott nominated to Moscow, Irene Achieng Oloo to New Delhi, Isaac Parashina, Tel Aviv, Judy Sijine nominated to The Hague.

