Alarm as 5,704 COVID-19 cases are recorded after easing of restrictions

An artistical expression of the Coronavirus droplets in a public street./COURTESY

5,704 infections have been recorded since restrictions put in place by President Uhuru Kenyatta in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19 were eased.

This is according to the latest data from the ministry of health which indicates that 74 people have succumbed to the virus ever since the containment measures were eased.

Nairobi accounts for the highest number of new cases after recording more than 1248 cases.

When announcing the easing of lockdown measures, President Uhuru Kenyatta announced that the easing of measures risked being suspended if the country records a surge in the number of new cases.

“Firstly the order to reopen is given conditionally should the situation deteriorate and pose a challenge to our health infrastructure, we will have to revert back to lockdown” President Uhuru Kenyatta warned.

418 new cases were recorded on Monday just a few hours after President Uhuru Kenyatta convened a summit with governors to review the impact of the phased easing of restrictions.

This is according to a communiqué issued by the statehouse spokesperson Kanze Dena Mararo that states the extraordinary meeting is set to be held on Friday.

“The President calls on all Kenyans to continue applying the simple yet most effective individual and collective measures that are the best weapons against COVID-19.”

The meetings will also assess the preparedness of the counties to the virus.

In June, Rwanda canceled the further easing of containment measures after more cases were recorded in the capital Kigali.

