Rapper Sokoro is depressed not into drugs, producer claims

Rapper Sokoro hanging out with Kelechi Africana just a few days after he was rescued from the Mathare area.Sokoro once ruled the coastal airwaves with his rap songs PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa rapper Sokoro who was once hooked to drugs and substance abuse is depressed and not hooked into drugs, music producer Steve Kipande has claimed.

The Grips Music CEO who has since located the rapper ever since his heartbreaking photos went viral a few days ago claims he has not seen the rapper abusing narcotics.

Just to clear the air,Sokoro artiste sio drug addict vile watu wanasema, nimekaa naye since morning na amevuta fegi moja na you sawa its depression I guess but the ni**a is clean(Just to clear the air, as opposed to claims doing rounds, Sokoro is not a drug user, I have been with him since morning and he has only smoked one cigarette. Its depression I guess but the guy is clean” Kipande said.

Photos of Sokoro looking dirty and unkept were first posted online by a  Facebook user identified as Muchiri wa Nyambura who bumped into him in Mathare’s 4A area in Nairobi county.

The photos soon went viral with a section of celebrities in Mombasa urging those with information on his whereabouts to volunteer information.

Kipande then traced him to the Mathare area and took him to his house.

A decade ago, the rapper once ruled the airwaves in the coast region with hits such as Sokoro which has garnered over 30,000 views on youtube, Revolution which has garnered over 10,000 views on youtube and party love.

However, despite his fellow rappers Johnny Skani running an aggressive campaign against Hiv AIDs and drug abuse through the hit single ‘Reduce Kidogo’, the rapper soon fell into drug abuse with his career taking a nosedive.

In 2013, the rapper was rescued from the Magongo Primary School playground that had turned into his sleeping place after he became homeless and taken to a rehabilitation center.

It is not yet clear if he completed his rehabilitation program.

