Kenya records highest number of COVID-19 recoveries as government opts for home based care

Health CAS Dr. Rashid Aman. 318 people have tested positive for COVID-19./COURTESY

The number of COVID-19 infections in the country shot up to 1,048 on Wednesday after 175 more people recovered from the disease.

While giving daily briefing on status of COVID-19 in Nairobi on Wednesday, Health Chief Administrative Secretary Dr. Rashid Aman said this was the highest number of Coronavirus recoveries registered in a single day.

However, the country recorded 105 more positive cases out of 2,273 samples tested in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 3,094.

Out of the new cases, Nairobi recorded the highest number of infected patients at 43, Busia 15, Mombasa 11, Turkana 7, Migori 6, Kwale and Kiambu 5, Kilifi, Taita Taveta and Machakos 3 each, Kisumu 2, Uasin Gishu, Siaya,kajiado and Garissa one case each.

In Mombasa the cases were; Kisauni 5, Likoni 4 and Mvita 2.

In Kilifi County, the 3 cases are all from Rabai and in Taita Taveta, the 3 cases are from track drivers at Taveta.

One more patient died of the disease in Nairobi bringing the tally of fatalities to 89.

Meanwhile, the government has said 78 percent of COVID-19 patients can be taken care of while at home till recovery.

CAS Aman said the 78% are asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic.

“These patients can be managed at home, provided procedures are followed. MOH has just launched home-based care guidelines available on the Ministry of Health portal,” he said.

He added that the move will also free healthcare workers for other healthcare matters.

“The home based care protocol has been developed to provide a solution in the management of the increasing numbers & the anticipated surge in the COVID-19 cases,” the CAS said.

“Due to our rising numbers of Covid-19 cases, it is increasingly becoming untenable to isolate all patients in our health facilities for management & treatment,” he added.

Implementation will be done under the community health volunteers on daily bases, a move that will ensure that the government maintain and contain the patients.

“I urge, Non-government organizations, well-wishers and all stakeholders to adhere to these guidelines in order to ensure delivery of services to the patients,” he added.

Kenya now joins other countries like Nigeria, Cameroon, Ghana and South Africa in implementing the World Health Organization guidelines on home based care for COVID-19 patients.

