Alarm as three-week baby is infected with COVID-19

A blood sample which has tested positive for Coronavirus. 1,344 more people have tested positive for the disease/COURTESY

A three-week baby has tested positive for COVID-19 in a day the Coast region recorded 39 new COVID-19 cases.

This is according to the results released on Tuesday by the Ministry of Health.

Among the recorded cases: Mombasa County has 34 cases, Kilifi four cases, and Kwale County one case.

The cases are distributed in Mombasa as follows: Mvita 8, Changamwe 6, Jomvu 6, Nyali 7, Kisauni 4, and Likoni 3.

In Kilifi County the four cases are distributed as follows: Kilifi North 2, Kaloleni, and Kilifi South one case each.

Health Chief Cabinet Secretary Rashid Aman confirmed 124 new cases in the country out of 2,247 samples tested.

Since the first COVID-19 case was reported in the Country in March the number has risen to 2,247 cases.

Amman further said that a total of 88 people have succumbed to the virus after three more died in the last 24 hours.

Among positive people in the country include 72 health care workers contracted the virus.

24 more patients have also been discharged from the hospital after testing negative for the virus.

